
  • What is a demo?

    It's a scheduled time where you’ll get to meet one of the coaches, tour the facility, and sample the class. During this time we can answer any questions you may have and find out if Urban Warriors is right for you.

  • Is there open gym?

    Open gym is included with each memberships sign up. These sessions are exclusive to members only for the time being.

  • What should my child bring?

    Wear something comfortable to move in (no skirts or dresses). Bring a water bottle to keep hydrated and laced up shoes for some wall kicking ACTION! We’ll bring everything else.

  • Is Urban Warriors good for exercise?

    Oh absolutely it’s good for exercise. Participants have noticed increased coordination, speed, cardio endurance, balance, and agility within a few weeks of taking classes. The class also offers a way to maintain and increase strength of the fundamental movement patterns which can help maintain physical prowess.

    Don’t forget it’s good for fun too!

  • What if I have difficultly moving, can I still take class?

    Our program is for everyone no matter the challenges they face. It’s designed to improve movement patterns with progression and regression that are easily modified allowing participants to become more efficient in how they move or need to move. Urban Warriors is meant to get EVERYONE moving.

  • Are there make-up classes if my child misses class?

    There's no make-up class if you miss class. In the event that we have to close for any reason will there be a make-up class available.